12th Grade Graduation! Class of 2017
St. Michael’s School celebrated our annual Commencement Exercises on the evening of Wednesday, June 21, 2017! Forty-one students, many of whom have been with us since 1st Grade, were honored with their graduation diplomas, symbolic of their meeting all Ministry of Education (MINERD) and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) requirements. Furthermore, students attaining special achievements such as highest marks in specific subjects, overall average, and being representatives of the school’s character and values were recognized.
The evening ceremony began with our wonderful tradition of the graduating students each being accompanied into the auditorium by special family members, such as parents or grandparents. Inspirational greetings and best wishes were extended by the Headmaster, the SMS Board of Director’s President, and of course the student Salutatorian and Valedictorian. Following a wonderful retrospective video commemorating the students’ years at St. Michael’s School, they were declared SMS Graduates of 2017.
St. Michael’s School is proud and honored to have been such a significant part of the lives of these students – we know the sound academic and character education in which they have taken part of has prepared them for success in whatever they choose to do in their future!
Well done, grads!