Dear Parents, Students, and Teachers,
We have the pleasure to announce our VII United Nations Intercollegiate Model, the St. Michael’sSchool Model United Nations Conference (SMSMUN) 2016, that will take place on April 22nd and 23rd of 2016. This year over 300 hundred students will be participating from fifteen (15) different schools, together with our own students from the MUN Club. Once again we have the privilege of celebrating our model in the Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), as per the below schedule:
Friday, April 22nd 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 23rd 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
The main objective of our model is to engage students with worldwide issues affecting humanity, in order to find possible solutions to those problems.
We are proud to say that our twelfth grade students of the MUN Club are the Dias of thisConference. The General Secretary of this year’s SMSMUN 2016 will be presided by our 11th grade students, Hampton Castillo. The remaining students of the Club will be participating as delegates of different countries, debating the issues within their commissions. (See the attached committees and subject matters). The commissions of ECOSOC are specially directed to students of 8th grade, who will participate in pairs. For further information regarding our Model, please access our web page
We hope this event can be of benefit and growth to all who participate.
Chame Vilorio
General Coordinator SMSMUN 2016
Committees and Topics/ Comités y Temas
Issues on the Agenda/Asuntos en la Agenda
1) Primera Asamblea General: Desarme y Seguridad Internacional (AG1)
-El rol de la medida en el contexto de seguridad internacional.
-Cyber Security and Protecting against Cyber Warfare.
2) Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ)
-Fumigación área con herbicidas (Ecuador c. Colombia).
-Cuestiones relacionadas con la incautación y retención de ciertos documentos y datos. (Timor – Leste c. Australia).
3) Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
-The question of integrating migrants in cities without causing ethnical and social fragmentation.
-Ensuring universal access to water.
4) Consejo Económico y Social (ECOSOC)
-La gestión de las condiciones y normas de seguridad en el trabajo dentro de las fábricas.
-Asegurar el acceso mundial al agua.
5) Environment Committee (EC)
-Eradication of overfishing of seas and oceans.
-International transportation of Hazardous Waste.
6) Security Council (SC)
-Open Agenda.
-The question of refugees in the Mediterranean: threats to stability and security.
-Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts.
-Bringing peace and stability to the Middle East.
7) Consejo de Seguridad (CS)
– Agenda Abierta.
-La cuestión de los refugiados en el Mediterráneo: amenazas a la estabilidad y seguridad
-Amenazas a la paz y seguridad internacional causadas por actos terroristas
-Paz y estabilidad en el Medio Oriente.
8) World Petroleum Council
-$20 a barrel: Addressing shock
-Making the transition from petroleum-based energy systems to alternative energy sources fast and efficient.
9) Comisión de Crisis
-Temas serán informados durante el Modelo.