¿Qué es la hora del planeta? La Hora del Planeta es un llamado a nuestra comunidad para que actúe. Es una alerta para asumir responsabilidades e involucrarnos en el trabajo por un futuro sustentable. La hora del planeta es una …
On February 18th, our 7th grade students hosted their Book Launch with families and friends, where they had the opportunity to publish their own children’s book. This project was part of their literature class, and it was designed in a way …
The Literary Pageant is an event that promotes and supplements reading in the different genres. The pageant is also an effort to welcome students from 7th-12th grade to challenge themselves in an academic and creative way through activities such as answering …
We wish to strongly congratulate our SMS Debate Team who took part in the Harvard Debate Tournament that took place from February 12th to the 15th in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The students who formed part of the SMS delegation in this tournament were …
SMS National Honor Society & Casa FACCI Blood Drive Fundación Amigos Contra el Cáncer Infantil Feb. 12- 13-14, 2016 Members of the National Honor Society participated in the Casa FACCI Blood Drive this past weekend. Such drive took place at …
Enlace para acceder al Boletín Una Esperanza del mes Febrero http://www.sms.edu.do/ue15-16/UE06RESPONSABILIDADFeb2016.pdf