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Dear Parents, Students, and Teachers, We have the pleasure to announce our VII United Nations Intercollegiate Model, the St. Michael’sSchool Model United Nations Conference (SMSMUN) 2016, that will take place on April 22nd and 23rd of 2016. This year over 300 hundred students will be …
Advocacy Film Festival Award Gala The Award Gala for the Advocacy Film Festival in its 2nd Edition, took place on the evening of April 13th in the Biblioteca Nacional auditorium. In this occasion out of the 13 participating teams from …
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Spirit Week resumes! This has been an amazing Spirit Week! with a lot of excitement and great games. Each team gave it all on the field! Scores: Monday: Black Hawks vs Red Pilots 3-1 Thuesday: Blue Wolves vs …
Dolphins Cup Scores In categories: Male 1 – 2 grades and female 1-3 grades Category male 1 -2 2nd Place: New Horizons 3rd Place: St. Michael’s School Category female 1 – 3 grades 1st Place: St. Michael’s School 2nd …
¿Qué es la hora del planeta? La Hora del Planeta es un llamado a nuestra comunidad para que actúe. Es una alerta para asumir responsabilidades e involucrarnos en el trabajo por un futuro sustentable. La hora del planeta es una …