Showing 211-220 of 232 results

Horario “After School Activities”

9 December, 2015

IMPORTANTE NO HABRA CLASES DE FUTBOL LOS DIAS 7-8 & 15 DE DICIEMBRE NO HABRA CLASES DE PINTURA EL 7 DE DICIEMBRE 1) Clases Futbol Primaria Lower Elementary (1ro-3ro): Habrá clases de futbol hasta el día 17 de diciembre. Upper …

Invitación muy especial

11 November, 2015

Queridos padres SMS La presión es algo que enfrentan niños y jóvenes en sus relaciones con amigos, compañeros de escuela y por lo que ven a su alrededor. Algunos luchan  por resistir lo que reconocen como negativo y, a veces …

Open House 2016-2017

28 October, 2015

Come and get to know us! St. Michael´s School Open House 2016-2017 You are cordially invited to attend the St. Michael´s School Open House 2016-2017 for 1st through 10th grade enrollment openings, this Wednesday, November 4th, at 7:00 p.m. in the …

1st Place @ DIAR Tournament – UNPHU

20 May, 2015

Our students María José Tejón (9th) and Ana Cochón (8th) won 1st Place for the second time in the DIAR Tournament which took place in the UNPHU campus. Four schools participated in this important debate competition which was carried out …

II SMS Reforestation Day

9 May, 2015

The II SMS Reforestation Day took place on May 9th in Humedales del Ozama in the outskirts of Santo Domingo. We are very proud to have been able to fulfill our duty of cooperating with our country’s landscape and are …