SMS para Vicente Noble
SMS para Vicente Noble
Este municipio ha sido devastado por el huracán Matthew. Demos la mano a miles de nuestros ciudadanos sin hogar, sin alimentos y sin calle…
1ro a 3ro Mosquiteros
4to a 6to Comida enlatada (habichuelas, salchichas, sardinas, guandules, salami, sopas etc)
7mo a 9no Artículos para limpieza (detergente, cloro, jabones, desinfectantes etc)
10mo a 12mo Agua, cartones de leche UHF y jugos.
Esperamos tu aporte entre el 14 al 28 de octubre. Pueden dejar sus donaciones frente a las escaleras del lobby.
Y si sabes de alguien que done transportación déjanos saber.
Servir es dar con el alma
SMS for Vicente Noble
Due to Hurricane Mathew this town was devastated. Let’s give a hand to thousands that are left without home, food, or streets.
We ask you to please donate the following:
1st to 3rd grade Mosquito Nets
4th to 6th grade Canned Food
7th to 9th grade Cleaning Products
10th to 12th grade Water, Milk (UHT)
We ask you bring these donations between October 14th and October 28th.
Donations may be dropped off each morning in the lobby in front of the main staircase.
If you know of someone who can help with transportation, please let us know.
To serve is to give with the soul.